Tuesday, October 29, 2002

A Life So Forgotten

A Life So Forgotten

It's all over now..
Time has gone away
Never to be again
Silence forever....Haunting

Killing the masses
Fire and ice devouring
Turned to dust.Blowing in the wind
Acid oceans....Barron and dead eternally

Black skies cry blood
Parched earth eroding away
Stone rain crushing the crust
Shards of life...Impale the new birth

Dark forces slay the remaining souls
Pitiful bodies hanging in the trees

Clumps of lifeless matter
Rotting under a red moon
White worms devour the living
Ignoring the Charred dead

All life ends...Never to be reborn
The afterlife a cruel joke
Cease to be...To be thrown away
You are refuse to a blackened god

Marching noises
Screams of never ending torment
Tears flood the earth
Drowning in you own lifeblood

Choking on the fetid flesh
You consume it ignoring the insects
Burrowing in your shattered charred flesh
Nuclear ash where your home once was

Littered with corpses and bloodstained white wings
Weapons destroying all that remain
You can never rebuild
What you can't touch

Black hollows with glowing red eyes
Reaping at your flesh....Your soul..
Die once and die again
Time has banished you....And it is no more

------------It's Like A Goodnight Kiss-----------
-------------Then She Takes Her Life-------------
-----------Right In Front Of Your Eyes--------

Nothing But.........

You meant everything to me
My soul....My life....My love lost
Falling from grace...Bloody tears
You did it again....You tore apart my soul

From time to time..
You loved the attention
Holding me close
Pushing me away

You taught me love
And disrespect
Burning inside.....And freezing my heart
Now i am invincible...

I thought i would die without you
Now i will die alone
Taking many with me
Pulling them in ...And tearing out their souls

I was never violent
You pushed me there
My hand around your fucking throat
Like i was possessed...I long for that again

Needed your body...
Damning your mind
I want to kill you...
I want to die

Nothing as painful as the memories you gave me
The scars...The lack of trust
Mine are mental yours will not be
I am going to make you suffer

Raped and made to feel 1000 deaths
Strangled and brought back to life
Sodomy with a broken bottle
Bleed...bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed....BLEED!!!!!

I will break you ,In body and in mind
Scar you with fire and steel
You will never be self sufficient again
Only to dream of the days......BEFORE ME!!!!!

I take your eyes...I am the last you will see
I take your tongue....I am the last you will pleasure
I take your ears....my voice forever etched in your mind
I take your life...As you know it...Horrid freak to be locked away forever