Tuesday, October 15, 2002

The Temptress

One dream can destroy a thousand lives
One night can cause a person to look upon their own mortality
One small wound can create death
One bite from the most beautiful creature....And its all over

In this deadly coil called life
Souls are diminished and weathered
Lies compound into rage
And thought patterns are dissolved in lunacy

In her most beautiful dream...She was as the dream...beautiful
Her voice was as a trained operatic dive
Graceful and sweet
Pulling you in with whispers of bliss

Appearing as a wingless angel
Graceful and well spoken
Carved from ivory...flawless and alluring
Never wanting anything.....She is all she needs

Polite and well developed
Like a corseted mannequin
Exotic and delightful
Needing no man....Making them want her

Like a black widow
Luring in the hapless victims
In a silver thread web of burning desire
Takes from them as she will.....Breaking their souls

Wrapping herself in this madness
Drawn in by the image in the mirror
Or by her own need to be this creature

In reality...I pitied her
Frail and plain...Needing to fit in
She was like new linen....pale and thin
Forever saddened by this life she never had

Frozen in childhood....Times slave
Twisted by the mental and physical ravages she was put through
Burning inside wanting to break out
Needing to fill in this void...this pain

The only sex she ever had was against her will
The scars so bright in her mind
The blood flowing from flowing wounds
Only makes the desire greater than before

Lust breaking down her life
Love eluding her at every turn
Needing to be needed
And wanting life

Will she ever see the reality?
Will she even awake from this psychosis?
She has not seen the light in years
Alone she sets in her lonely room.....looking through the bars...

Will she ever see again ?
The beauty she has inside?
The love she needs to give?
The life she deserves?

Infernal Blessing

Infernal Blessing

We had no future...So they say
No life...And no sin
Without purpose..Without a chance
Ripped from the nourishing womb of earth

The earth was serene
Peace never so apparent
Gone in a second
100 million years to build

Long gone....Wished away
Thunderous cataclysm unleashed
The power so black
The cataclysm called man

Impure and tarnished
Like bloody steel
Rigid and unbroken
Inherited like the carrion in rotten flesh

Look at you now
Not knowing where you are
Killed your only son
Thrust into damnation

So the martyrdom commences
Self sacrifice in order to attain the throne of the ancients
Killing is killing regardless of who
Never were you perfect....You are a sinner like us all

For what reason do you anger so easily?
Setting and waging war.....playing with you little pawns
So you are superior...But to whom?

So killing your son was to save us?
Blessing us with the ability to safely sin
Infernal wishes to kill us
We are human...The ultimate infernal blessing