Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Wax Religion

Wax Religion

One time i knew life
Before i thought of the end
Knew love...Knew christ
Knew it all.....Such a lie

Gone are the days
The days of old
Foreboding images of what i thought of as the end
Acid trails and neurosis...

Do you believe?
Do you care?
In your life?Or religions lie?
Priceless tales of a forgotten age?

Pray...for salvation
The cross of forgiveness
Prey..for salvation
The cross of immolation

Who is he?
What is he?
Where is he?
Look into the mirror and forgive yourself

Find yourself under a blanket of lies
Warmed be the dishonest deeds of your mind
Comforted by the assurance of the ultimate reward
Never waking up to reap the rewards
One time i knew life
Before i thought of the end
Knew love...Knew christ
Knew it all.....Such a lie

Gone are the days
The days of old
Foreboding images of what i thought of as the end
Acid trails and neurosis...

Do you believe?
Do you care?
In your life?Or religions lie?
Priceless tales of a forgotten age?

Pray...for salvation
The cross of forgiveness
Prey..for salvation
The cross of immolation

Who is he?
What is he?
Where is he?
Look into the mirror and forgive yourself

Find yourself under a blanket of lies
Warmed be the dishonest deeds of your mind
Comforted by the assurance of the ultimate reward
Never waking up to reap the rewards

Tuesday, January 28, 2003

Gate To Pain

Gate to Pain

I want nothing more than this
This one moment....in time
Feeling like this
Crying tears of happiness
The pain gone away....But i have to wake up

I can see the love in your eyes
As well as the pain in your soul
But its me that put it away
Made you feel

Do you pray to your god?
Do you want me?
I know you don't
But this is MY dream

What if i died at this moment
This dream
Will it continue forever?
Or end like my peace?

Once upon a time i was real
Like garden of eden?
Now i am the ruiner
The apple of all your pain

I need you
Can't you see?
I want you..
Can you hear me
Alone!!!!!....All i have is this dream

Never needed more than you
Wanted even less
Now my dream....Noooo!!!
Its becoming a nightmare

Like life...So black
Taken away from me...
Contentment rotting away
My life rears its head again

You are not there now
I want to hold your hand
Stroke your hair
Now all i see is blood

All i need is your love
To be mine
Not to be alone
To feel this i will give my soul

Wednesday, January 08, 2003

Just A Man....Broken,Bleeding.....

As i sit here i tend to think of life
Back and forth through memory
Needing it to be different
But nothing i can do

Sanity is drifting
As pain conquers me
Scratching at the roof of the coffin
Screaming at the sky

I need you to say its okay
I need you
Gone like i am
But i still see the sun

Drowning in misery
Suffocating and cant move
Out of body and mind
Take me away from this

Like the day i found out
Life is never what it seems to be
Cold like winter
And never as inviting

Hollow shell of who i was
Killing myself
Killing who i was
Dead like i need to be....Never more

Sorry its like this
I wish it never had to be
Gone are the days of innocence
Dried and withered away

The lines on the face are now jagged crevices
Time and pain taken its toll
Time has all but stopped
Like the memories of you................(All)

Say its not over
I know its just a rumor
Are you still with me

Now i get it
I failed you
Not the man i should have been
Not at all.....And never will be

Sunday, December 29, 2002

Away So Long...

Away So Long...

I can't believe it's all over now
Gone and not coming back
Has it been days?
Or has it been far too long?

The final word in a lifetime of arguments
Broken and Gone so far away
Frustration that you beat me there
And that i might not see you again

It didn't have to be like this
It never had to be
Having less,,needing more
Alone and bleeding...Crying again

So many fallen
The needy ones still here
Part of me dies as you go...
I have so little left

Touching lives everywhere you go..
No matter if they understood
Living for the day...No need for tomorrow
Will i be lucky enough to see you once more?

Blessed are the souls of friends
Never needing religion to have faith
Better off now...away from this world this pain
Rest assured that you are missed..Living forever in the minds and hearts of us all

Where you now?
It is no doubt a fantasy land
Everything you ever wanted
You have now...

Yes we have a void now... Never to be filled
Until we see you again
No need to worry
We have each other now...And bonded by your memory

Oh to see your face...
To feel your company
Your laughter and your smile
We will never forget the times we had

Now you will never be alone
Never longing for love
Having all you will ever need
I'm sorry i'm not there with you

We will be alright
Not alone either...Closer without your presence
Not seeing you makes us realize what you meant to us
And you will exist forever in our souls...

*When i need to feel love*
*I think of you*
*When this life is too much to handle
*All i need it to remember your face*
*When i feel like crying*
*I remember our times together*
*When i leave this world*
*All i want is to be with you*

This song is dedicated to my fallen friends.....I will honor you forever
Jamie Lee Pate "I Love You Baby Cousin"
Michael Marshall
Kenny Stout

Thursday, December 05, 2002

Dark Angel

Dark Angel

She is like a machine
Loving to no bounds
Feeling this life
Feeding off of it...Getting stronger

She has no name
No need for it
Beautiful as well as eternal
Never fading...Perfect

Never ending love
Never dying
Alone and perfectly content
Never needing more than what she has

On the inside...Flawless
Loving Yet cold as steel
Deadly though she has no need to kill
All she is...Is what others long to be

She has never felt pain
Although she cries
Spreading her love through out this world
No one hears her...She speaks...

Love me..I am the end
Hate me you can not..for i am the beginning
I am not perfect..Though none are like me
And i am the perfect chaos you all long for
Chaos..The Flawed Perfectection...Never Ending Love for you all

She is the one we want to be...On the inside
She is far beyond the reach of us all
Her pain is one thousand fold the pain any of us feel
But she is perfectly euphoric

She bleeds
She cries
She lives as we die
Reaching out her hand to help...We never know it

No one will ever know her love
Her words are silent
Her tears are the essence of dreams
And her blood of nightmares

She has no name
No lover...No time
She needs love and has no one
Perfection And Total Anguish

Right in front of you
She holds out her hand
She wants you to hear her
You simply walk away......She is alone

Wednesday, November 20, 2002

Heart,Mind,Body.......All Life Abound

Heart,Mind,Body.......All Life Abound

Once i seen the sun
As it is,Giver of life
As it was,Nothingness
The sorrow....Humanity!!!!!!

This is the last time i will see the light of day
The warm glow....Bright light
Bringing fourth all life
And one day dying like us all

I stand here ....Looking towards the sky
Breathing in the cold air
Wondering what its like to live an eternity
Terrified that i will see the end

The endless journey
Timeless and serene
All the ages coming and going
Eons flying by


Celestial Transmutation

Celestial Transmutation

Don't ever say you are tired of life
You will be like me
Wanting to end it all
Force fed life and forced to live

Dreaming of fear...Longing to feel it
Never again knowing the pleasure of pain
Numb and fearless...Knowing no boundaries
Feeling the need to die....To kill

Sentenced by a coward race
Sentenced by a dying god...
This world fading
Dying like your god

I feel the suns warm rays...Freezing in its light
The stars...Taunting me ...They are above..
Rotting inside..Return me to the earth
Never again human...Never anything again

You and your close mindedness
Thinking and believing hell is a place
It is a standard of life
A standard we all follow

Who are you to feel?
Who are you to be?
Who are you to die?
Who are you to never cry?

Firm believer in this existence
Why are you so believing in the mute nothingness of your own mind?
You want to accend.To be with (god)
But you are here...Dying like him!!

Perfect lives
Wanting to be
Prying open
The flesh
Looking deeper within
Your Fading soul

Like a hurricane you live
Thrashing the land you call your own
Bleeding tainted blood
Tainted by your own mind

Killing the perfect pain
Wanting to exist
Enforcing the laws of faith
Killing me

True to form
Like your life
Transmuting into the (un)Perfect being
Taking me with you into the abyss

Why be what you can't?
Who isn't true to yourself..
Who is digging their own grave
And who is like god.....Flawed...

Friday, November 08, 2002

The Pain Project( The Deadly Way to Cyber ) *ADULTS ONLY*

The Pain Project( The Deadly Way to Cyber ) *ADULTS ONLY*

It's time again
Look at your final sunrise
Shake out the fear
Wipe the blood from your eyes....Time to begin

ok where do we start?
Your legs or your eyes?
Fuck it i'll pick
i will cripple you

Ripping the souls of your feet apart
The blood flowing down(You like that don't you?)
Crushing the bones..Sawing off the toes..With a dull knife
OOOOhhh don't worry the bleeding will stop

Blow torch in hand...Glimmer in my eye
Screaming in sexual agony,,,Flesh blackens and bubbles
Deboning your legs up to the knees
Up your thighs i crawl,,,,Razor in hand...Licking..Tearing....HARD

Feeling my fingers working through
Caressing your frail being
Rubbing them....Snapping them in half
Bathing In your ever so warm blood

Broken glass...Shoved in your hips
Digging in with with my nails..My teeth
Why are you so wet i ask?...Blood and tears...Making me so hot
I draw back and look at this mess i created

Looking ...i weep with happiness..You open for me
I plunge in my dirty knife
Pulling out your cervix...Replacing it with myself
When you go dry i will quit...Ovaries in hand

Cry for me ....Scream my name...welcome me in...into your ravaged womb
Make me bored..I dare you...Then the pain will begin
I reach in grabbing pulling,Brushing your spine
Like that bitch!?!?!?!?

Missing your stomach....meathook in your breasts
Lifting you up...My little punching bag...
Hang there till you rip apart...
You made me bored you whore...Now you die!!!!!!

Opening your ever so soft belly
Metal bands around your lungs
Asphyxiated with your own entrails
Chained to a wooden post....Lit ablaze...Then mercilessly shot in the head!!!